Special Populations
We are experts in working with all persons of special cognitive and physical abilities. We understand brain development, sensory, balance, motor control. We help with emotional regulation and calming, providing you with the right balance of physical and mental training.
Specially prepared programs to address special needs:
- Autism
- Attention Deficits
- Athetoid movements
- Blind/ Visually impaired
- Cerebral Palsy
- Chronic Pain
- Cancer Survivors
- Chronic Pain
- Feet Hands strength motor control
- Seniors Graceful Aging
- Fall Prevention
- Kids/ Teens
- Moms/ Pregnancy/Menstruation
- Pelvic Health/ Incontinence
- Spinal Injuries/ Kyphoscoliosis/ Scoliosis
- Variations in body types and shapes
- Weight training
We will guide you through each exercise depending on the students' needs.
Call 813 631 9700 to schedule your appointment or classes
Living Life's 5R's:
Relaxation and Reflection
Reduces Road Rage:
Learn how to use relaxation techniques and positive imagery, tranquil attitudes, to enhance driving experiences and safety

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